My time on planet Earth has come to the point where I must take stock of my “mission” and draw some conclusions! When young, like everyone else, I wanted to experience the ways of the world, but , somewhere along the line, I became instead, an observer of it. I have now gathered my ideas formed over time, expressed them as visions and turned them into posters.

Every idea can be expressed conceptually or as a caricature meant, like a poster, to capture attention immediately. So, I have expressed my views about the realities of politics, culture and society, as poster art.

The posters can be gathered together to form a moving picture, but a movie storyline is usually in chronological order and the magic of “capturing the moment” evaporates. A “still,” on the other hand, gives each viewer the chance to imagine where the story begins! Or if the ending is happy or sad

All the best to you!

Helmet Raja